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Can Working From Home Trigger Sciatica Pain? Mar 1st, 2023

The pain of sciatica shows up in different ways. It usually affects just one leg and starts in your lower back or buttock. Sciatic nerve pain may stay isolated in the thigh and butt or travel down the leg — even affecting the foot, where the nerve terminates.  Some people describe the...

The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Brain Fog Feb 1st, 2023

As many as 80% of people with fibromyalgia report issues with brain fog. The feelings of forgetfulness, poor focus, inability to follow conversations, and spaciness are sometimes called fibro fog.  Exactly why people with fibromyalgia have these brain-related problems isn’t fully understood, but patients can get help at the Vero Beach, Florida, office...

How Botox® Can Play a Role in Treating Your Migraines Jan 1st, 2023

When you think of Botox®, wrinkle reduction and anti-aging efforts come to mind. The injectable medication has many non-cosmetic applications, however — including reduction of frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. The US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Botox to treat migraines in 2010.    At the...

Why You Shouldn't Wait to See Your Doctor After a Car Accident Dec 1st, 2022

Even if you walk away from an auto accident, it’s still important to see a doctor as soon as possible. You might be focused on dealing with insurance and car repairs in the aftermath, but your body needs a checkup, too. Many injuries take time to show up, and if...

Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Require Surgery? Nov 1st, 2022

Carpal tunnel syndrome affects up to 10 million people in the United States, causing pain, tingling, and dysfunction in the hands and wrists. It happens when you have inflammation or swelling in your wrist, which causes compression of the median nerve that runs through the wrist’s carpal tunnel to supply sensation to...

How a Spinal Cord Stimulation Trial Works Oct 1st, 2022

A spinal cord stimulator is not a first-step treatment for back pain. But if you have chronic back pain for three months or longer or failed back surgery, Dr. Michael Esposito, our physician at the Interventional Spine & Pain Institute, may recommend a spinal cord stimulator to help you manage pain. It may also...

When to Consider Botox® for Your Headaches Sep 1st, 2022

Botox® is the No. 1 selling treatment to ease wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, but the injectable has useful medical applications, too. For example, Botox effectively helps with hyperhidrosis, or abnormal sweating, and overactive bladder.  This famous aesthetic treatment is also useful in preventing chronic migraines. At Interventional Spine &...

The Most Common Causes of Testicle Pain Aug 1st, 2022

Men of any age can experience pain in their testicles. It can strike one testicle or both and feel sudden and sharp or dull and achy.  The pain isn’t always coming from your testicles. It may be related to your abdomen, groin, or another organ and radiate to your testes...

5 Ways to Manage Fibromyalgia Pain Jul 1st, 2022

How you care for yourself makes a big impact on how fibromyalgia affects you. This condition, which causes musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and localized tenderness, can negatively affect your day-to-day life. You may find it challenging to work regularly, participate in social events, and just get your chores done. At Interventional Spine and Pain...

3 Factors That Put You at Greater Risk of Developing Neck Pain Jun 1st, 2022

Your neck is made up of seven small vertebral bones, along with muscles, tendons, and ligaments that give it mobility and strength. Damage, stress, or degeneration in any of these tissues can lead to neck pain. The nerves in your neck are also subject to compression or irritation. At Interventional...

All About Peripheral Neuralgia May 12th, 2022

Viruses, injury, cancer, or diabetes can cause damage to your nerves that results in peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is characterized by pain, numbness, tingling, swelling, or muscle weakness most commonly in your hands, feet, and lower legs. Peripheral neuropathy can affect any of the nerves outside of your brain and spinal...

Learn How PRP Injections Are Revolutionizing How We Treat Joint Pain Apr 13th, 2022

Joint pain may result from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or soft tissue injuries. Regardless of the reason for your pain, you experience a decline in function, increased stiffness, and decreased quality of life when you have pain in areas like your knees, shoulders, and hips.  Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections offer a revolutionary...

9 Ailments That Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat Mar 15th, 2022

Chronic disease is often lifelong and incurable. It can interfere with your ability to work and may make even everyday activities a challenge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that approximately 60% of American adults suffer from at least one chronic disease, with many of these people having more than...

4 Primary Causes of Spinal Stenosis and How It Is Treated Feb 28th, 2022

Spinal stenosis, a narrowing in your spine, can result in persistent low back pain and other uncomfortable symptoms like pain or weakness in the legs, cramping, numbness, tingling, and fatigue. Could your symptoms be due to spinal stenosis? At the Interventional Spine and Pain Institute, Dr. Michael Esposito diagnoses and...